Focus on automotive, aviation, and medical technology
With the large freeformer 750-3X in the high-temperature version, the build chamber can be heated up to 200 degrees Celsius, with plasticizing taking place at up to 450 degrees Celsius. This means that geometrically sophisticated ventilation ducts for the aerospace industry can be produced from Ultem 9085, for example. With its large build chamber (max. 330 mm x 230 mm x 230 mm), the freeformer 750-3X also offers the option of additively manufacturing larger functional parts or small batches industrially – such as orthopedic insoles up to shoe size 50. The possibility of additively manufacturing components from soft materials and high-temperature plastics or in hard/soft combinations is an impressive illustration of the machine’s wide range of applications. Short fiber-reinforced parts made of PA with 25 percent glass fibers and sealing components made of colored LSR are other innovations that will be presented at Rapid.Tech.