Benefits at a glance
With your ARBURG machine, you also bring our know-how into your company if you want to reduce unit costs and optimize investment costs.
Thinking in new ways, in design and materials. Because consumers are always demanding something new. ARBURG delivers. And so can you. With efficient machines for plastics processing.
Your market is dynamic, always in motion. We think with you and well ahead. Let's test materials and processes together and find completely new solutions.
The consumer goods sector is characterized by individualized and customized products. In some applications, you create entirely new added values with additive manufacturing.
Example sandbox
Toy cars should be designed to look beautiful. In multiple colours, shapes and in ever-changing designs. And be able to withstand stress and have great functions.
Elastisc parts
Elastisc parts
Flexible and resilient parts such as tires made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) make playing with model trucks and bulldozers even more fun.
Sample components
Shoe soles
Professional soccer players are not the only ones who run in customized shoe soles. High-tech for the feet is created with the freeformer when a one-off production replaces the series.
Figures made of four components are produced on a hydraulic ALLROUNDER. Because three of the four injection units are arranged vertically, the footprint remains compact.
Garden shovel
If gas or water is introduced into the mold cavity using fluid injection technology (FIT), cavities can be created in the part. This significantly reduces materials and cycle time.
This might also be of interest
The multitude of industries, technologies and applications is sure to include an example that meets your requirements. Draw inspiration for new ideas from our selection of components.
Step into the ARBURG product world with us. Everything you need for plastics processing. We are here for you.
What do you need for your multi-component technology? Very flexible configurations. This is exactly what our modular ALLROUNDERs are designed for.