2-component handle

This example of a 2-component lightweight handle shows that post-consumer recyclate (PCR) obtained from household waste can be efficiently processed into durable, high-quality industrial products while conserving resources.


Physically foamed recyclate based on PP is used for the production of industrial two-component handles for ALLROUNDER safety doors.

Energy efficient

Because the gas-charged melt has low viscosity, the injection pressure and energy requirement are reduced when injection molding foamed components.


Lightweight core – high-quality feel: the physically foamed handle is around 10% lighter than compact injection molding.

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ARBURG solutions used


The handles are produced on a turnkey system based around an electric multi-component ALLROUNDER 630 A with a clamping force of 2,500 kN. The two halves of the handle including the insert are assembled directly in the 1+1+1-cavity mold.

To the ALLROUNDER ALLDRIVE electric series


With a load capacity of 30 kg, the vertically engaging MULTLIFT V 30 is designed for the efficient automation of large ALLROUNDERs. For applications with a vertical injection unit, the robotic system is mounted in a rotated position above the moving mounting platen.

To the linear robotic systems

Lightweight construction

A physically foamed lightweight molded part overmolded with soft material is produced in a cycle time of around 62 s. The 2-component, soft-touch handle weighs 93 g.

To lightweight construction technology

GESTICA control system

For the automated production of the injection molded product, the linear MULTILIFT robotic system and mold are integrated into the GESTICA control system. This ensures greater convenience, functionality and efficiency.

To the GESTICA assistants


Mechanical engineering

You can use our modular ALLROUNDERs in a variety of ways. Including for products related to construction and mechanical engineering. The spectrum ranges from plumbing, fittings, pipes and dowels to grippers, housings and plug connections.

To the sector

Building Technology & mechanical engineering industry

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