D IN U S U S D IN US DIN cyan yellow magenta key cyan yellow magenta key DIN US D IN U S U S D IN USDIN [...] Gripper inputs S5001-S5032 Centre of axis Assignment interface X001 gripper inputs S 5001 - S 5008 Pin no [...] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S 5001 + 24 V GND S 5002 + 24 V GND S 5003 + 24 V GND S 5004 + 24 V GND PE 14 15
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input 8 S 5001 + 24 V GND S 5002 + 24 V GND S 5003 + 24 V GND S 5004 + 24 V GND PE S 5005 + 24 V GND S 5006 [...] 0852)) 720 A / H Clamp-Design 3.000 800 1.300 610 1.110 / 1.610 2.265 2.765 / 3.265 1.190 720S 2.500 [...] D IN U S U S D IN US DIN cyan yellow magenta key cyan yellow magenta key DIN US D IN U S U S D IN USDIN
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24 25 S 5005 + 24 V GND S 5006 + 24 V GND S 5007 + 24 V GND S 5008 + 24 V GND DINUS D IN U S U S D IN [...] / S Clamp-Design 3000 800 1300 610 2460 1190 820 A / H / S Clamp-Design 3000 800 1330 545 2490 1255 920 [...] A / H / S 2500 600 930 860 2540 940 630 A / H / S Clamp-Design 3000 800 1340 610 2460 1190 720 A / H /
instead of thermoforming The electric Allrounder 720 A Ultimate, an energy-efficient and sustainable [...] premiere at the show. The machine, complete with size 1300 injection unit, will be using injection compression [...] also the name of the customer portal. The company’s strategies regarding the efficient use of resources
alternative to thermoforming, an Allrounder 720 A with a new 1300 electric injection unit and in the new [...] integrated into the 32-cavity mould provided by Arburg’s partner Hack, also enabled monitoring across the complete [...] also the name of the customer portal. The company’s strategies regarding the efficient use of resources
with us. With the ALLROUNDER 720S you can produce products up to 1300 g, with the proverbial ARBURG [...] stand, the star of which was the large ALLROUNDER 720S with a clamping force of 3200 kN. The ARBURG management [...] on site. The central focus was the ALLROUNDER 720S, whose clamping force of 3200 kN makes it the largest