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instead of thermoforming The electric Allrounder 720 A Ultimate, an energy-efficient and sustainable [...] premiere at the show. The machine, complete with size 1300 injection unit, will be using injection compression [...] also the name of the customer portal. The company’s strategies regarding the efficient use of resources
alternative to thermoforming, an Allrounder 720 A with a new 1300 electric injection unit and in the new [...] integrated into the 32-cavity mould provided by Arburg’s partner Hack, also enabled monitoring across the complete [...] also the name of the customer portal. The company’s strategies regarding the efficient use of resources
company’s German headquarters in Lossburg. Of a total workforce of about 3,600, about 3,000 people are [...] alternative to thermoforming, an all-electric Allrounder 720 A Ultimate packaging machine will be producing IML [...] technology. These will include: · an Allrounder 1300 T rotary table machine that produces vegetable slicers