Review of our arburgXvision programme

"Using plastic to protect the climate as a way out of the environmental crisis" was the topic of the interactive Internet TV programme arburgXvision on 22nd September 2022. Gerhard Böhm, ARBURG Managing Director Sales and Service, Bertram Stern, Sustainability Manager at ARBURG, and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres, Managing Director of the Institute for Plastics and Recycling Technology (IKK) at Leibniz University, joined host Guido Marschall in the TV studio to discuss the apparent contrasts and prospects in plastics processing.

Circular economy: the whole value chain in demand

Around 1,250 viewers followed the programme live and made active use of the opportunity to ask the experts questions via chat. In the follow-up (as of 26 September 2022), a further 1300 interested people found out more about this exciting topic on the event website and in the social media channels. Three issues were of crucial importance for a successful circular economy in the expert discussion: Design for Recycling, high recyclate quality and the need for all parties involved in the manufacturing of plastic products to work closely together along the entire value chain.

Application expert from Lossburg joins in

A film from the ARBURG headquarters in Lossburg was a fitting accompaniment. Christian Homp, Group Manager Applications & Industries, presented projects and technologies such as R-Cycle or HolyGrail for innovative labelling and single-sort recycling of plastic products. He also invited customers to come to Lossburg or to the K trade fair to test the processing of alternative materials together and to discuss new solutions.

Next programme on 24 November 2022

The next arburgXvision issue, on the topic of "digital services", is scheduled for 24 November 2022, and can be see live at from 2.00 p.m. This programme and all previous programmes are also accessible at any time in the media library.

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