New web presence: user-friendly, modern, practical

The ARBURG  website has served us well for over ten years. On 14 February – timed to coincide with the kick-off event marking "100 years of the Hehl family business" – a new web presence will be launched. The focus of is on ultimate user experience, practical contact options, internationality and an optimised customer journey.

Interactive website in 15 languages

During the intense concept phase, decision-makers and experts from the company’s headquarters and subsidiaries got involved in workshops worldwide and surveys were conducted among selected customers. The result is an innovative and informative website – available in a total of 15 languages and with dedicated contacts for all 34 ARBURG organisations worldwide.

Ultimate user experience

A breadcrumb link path helps users navigate clearly and quickly to the desired content pages. They will find glance at a glance bite sized text-image elements, videos, component examples, brochure downloads and contact details for the topic at hand. Features and hot spots provide detailed information. In the “product world”, the relevant technical data and training courses as well as an online spare parts order function, are offered for the machine series concerned. Interested parties can plan their own training sessions and register directly using a form. In the “solutions” section, you can quickly and easily enter the ARBURG world via technologies, industries, materials and components. Personal experiences and brainstorming sessions are used to create testimonials and fascinating success stories. "Smart manufacturing" area, which bundles together the future topics of digitalisation, automation and sustainability, is another new area. The contact button and the career section placed directly in the meta navigation are prominently located. In "News & Press" and in the newly designed Media Centre, content can be filtered according to the users’ interests. In addition, the search has become "smarter". The individual landing pages offer detailed added value and are convincing: ARBURG has the right solution!

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