Benefits at a glance
To process alternative plastics, you can work as usual with standard ALLROUNDERs – so you stay flexible with no need to invest in new equipment.
Carbon neutral
During their production and disposal, alternative plastics save both petroleum and carbon dioxide. Those made from plants are even carbon neutral when incinerated.
Bio-based plastics can be produced regionally using a wide variety of agricultural fibres, for example. Without long supply chains. Which saves twice the CO2 – in production and logistics.
Stable prices
The raw materials for alternative plastics mostly come from the agricultural sector and are therefore comparatively stable in price.
Sample components

Coffee capsules
To turn wood waste into granules suitable for injection moulding, they are embedded in a matrix of PLA. An ALLROUNDER produces 100% compostable organic coffee capsules from this.

Drink holders
Items such as drink holders can be injection moulded from a PP compound with sunflower husks as filling material. Reinforced and with a good life cycle assessment.
This might also be of interest
The multitude of industries, technologies and applications is sure to include an example that meets your requirements. Draw inspiration from our selection of components.
arburgGREENworld is where we bring together all our activities relating to the circular economy and resource conservation. You too can sustainably reduce your company's carbon footprint and further advance the use of recycled materials.
Step into the ARBURG product world with us. Everything you need for plastics processing. Wir sind da – We are here for you.