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The ALLROUNDER GOLDEN ELECTRIC EVO, specially designed for the Asian market, impresses with its energy efficiency, precision and fast availability.
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The vertical FLEXLIFT offers great value for money and is available in six versions – powerful, flexible, reliable.
100 100 100 2000 2000 --- 68 | 3 68 | 3 68 | 3 130 130 130 11 15 7,5 18 22 15 63 63 50 --- --- --- --- --- [...] max. cm³/s 42 | 68 80 | 130 64 146 66 132 2 pumps max. cm³/s 42 | 68 80 | 130 64 146 66 132 Accum. max [...] 98 57 81 111 58 84 115 53 77 104 50 72 98 66 96 130 64 92 126 41 59 80 42 60 82 43 62 84 86 124 169 76
PEI Polyetherimide 150 3-4 1.30 13.5 Dry air PEK Polyether ketone 150 4 1.30 13.5 Dry air PETG Polyethylene [...] ing air PBTP Polybutylene terephthalate 120 2-3 1.30 18 Dry air PC Polycarbonate 120 2-3 1.25 17.5 Dry [...] ating air PETP Polyethylene terephthalate 150 5 1.30 11 Dry air PI Polyimide 120 3 1.40 20 Dry air PMMA
German: 11.30am - 12pm English: 12.30pm - 1pm German: 1.30pm - 2pm English 3pm - 3.30pm Miriam Lauble (Product [...] 30am - 11am English: 11.30am - 12pm English: 1pm - 1.30pm German: 2pm - 2.30pm Tobias Hinsche (Team Manager [...] 30am - 11am German: 12pm - 12.30pm German: 1pm - 1.30pm English: 2pm - 2.30pm Anton Fuchs (CEO of Schlaeger
300 300 b min. 70 70 70 70 70 c min. 220 185 185 130 130 Injection unit 30 / 70 / 100 Injection unit 170 [...] 15,5 10,0 14,5 10,0 14,5 9,0 13,0 10,0 14,5 10,5 15,0 9,5 14,0 9,0 13,0 12,0 17,0 11,5 16,5 7,5 10,5 [...] 131 171 90 122 160 120 163 213 115 157 205 73 100 130 76 103 134 77 105 137 155 211 276 136 185 242 117
² 1 pump max. cm³/s 120 236 130 232 128 212 2 pumps max. cm³/s 120 236 130 232 128 212 Accum. max. cm³/s [...] 98 57 81 111 58 84 115 53 77 104 50 72 98 66 96 130 64 92 126 41 59 80 42 60 82 43 62 84 86 124 169 76 [...] 131 171 90 122 160 120 163 213 115 157 205 73 100 130 76 103 134 77 105 137 155 211 276 136 185 242 117
2000 300-1600 300-1600 300-1600 100 [130] 114 [150] 144 [191] 130 150 191 148 [197] 214 [285] 288 [384] [...] 98 57 81 111 58 84 115 53 77 104 50 72 98 66 96 130 64 92 126 41 59 80 42 60 82 43 62 84 86 124 169 76 [...] 131 171 90 122 160 120 163 213 115 157 205 73 100 130 76 103 134 77 105 137 155 211 276 136 185 242 117
15,5 10,0 14,5 10,0 14,5 9,0 13,0 10,0 14,5 10,5 15,0 9,5 14,0 9,0 13,0 12,0 17,0 11,5 16,5 7,5 10,5 [...] 350 350 350 350 350 b min. 70 70 70 70 70 c min. 130 90 90 90 90 Injection unit 30 / 70 / 100 Injection [...] 131 171 90 122 160 120 163 213 115 157 205 73 100 130 76 103 134 77 105 137 155 211 276 136 185 242 117
Injection flow ² 1 pump max. cm³/s 130 232 128 212 174 260 2 pumps max. cm³/s 130 232 128 | 160 212 | 266 174 [...] 131 171 90 122 160 120 163 213 115 157 205 73 100 130 76 103 134 77 105 137 155 211 276 136 185 242 117
620 270 A / H 3 600 2000 250 1200 130 270 S 3 600 2000 250 1200 130 370 A / E / H / S 3 800 2000 250 1200 [...] 32 32 Ø55 316*) 4 8*) 335*) 37 62 45*) 55*) min. 130*) 15*) 95 80 60 10 012 015 8 55 GRIPPER ADAPTATIONS
2500 1390 Injection flow ² 2 pumps max. cm³/s 68 130 90 204 Accum. max. cm³/s 138 268 172 388 Screw c [...] 1580 Injection flow ² 2 pumps max. cm³/s 94 186 130 232 128 212 Accum. max. cm³/s 216 424 316 562 492 [...] 2500 1470 Injection flow ² 2 pumps max. cm³/s 68 130 90 204 94 186 Accum. max. cm³/s 138 268 172 388 216