Benefits at a glance
Made by ARBURG
You can rely on our GESTICA. Our expertise in plastic processing and comprehensive expertise in hardware and software are combined in the control system.
You can operate our control system intuitively. Robotic systems and peripheral equipment can be integrated directly. This ensures fast processes and a high level of reliability!
Software and machine technology work perfectly together. GESTICA's adaptive process control monitors and regulates injection moulding and keeps processes stable.
The "intelligent" assistance functions of the GESTICA control system actively support you and simplify your work. From set up to optimisation to large-scale production.

Explainer video: GESTICA control system
GESTICA Examples

GESTICA has become the benchmark for the entire industry as a result of our consistent development and implementation work. High-quality technology and smart gesture control set the standard for comfortable and safe working.

In-house production
GESTICA bears our signature in every detail. Because it is made entirely in-house. Right up to our own printed circuit board production. In this way, we can immediately follow new technical trends – or set them ourselves.

Innovative capacity
What our innovative capacity means for you in daily practice is shown by the example of "aXw Control FillAssist". This assistant enables a filling simulation directly on the GESTICA control system. For precise machine parameters and design of moulded part and injection mould in just a few days.
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If you're looking for solutions for digital plastic parts production, we've got you covered. And our products are designed to help you get started with your digitalisation drive right away.
The GESTICA control system's smart assistance functions provide active support and simplify your work. From setup and process optimisation to stable production.
As one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality machines and a competent partner for plastics processing, we ensure that you successfully produce quality parts.