ARBURG takes on 104 new trainees

104 new recruits started their careers at ARBURG on 1 September 2023. A total of 326 trainees and students from the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) are currently taking advantage of the opportunity to train as qualified personnel at ARBURG. Managing Partner Renate Keinath, who is responsible for Human Resources Management, welcomed the prospective employees on behalf of the entire management team.

Varied introduction

In order to make it easier for the newcomers to start their careers, an introductory week gives them the opportunity to discover the company and to come into contact with their trainee colleagues and cohort supervisors, who are on hand to give them advice and support. Other activities include a tour of the company and a presentation of the product range and corporate philosophy. In addition, a team-building event and joint barbecue are planned.

Triple training certification

ARBURG is continuing to train apprentices at a steady pace, and takes on virtually all of its trainees and students into permanent employment every year. In order to expand the high level of its training, ARBURG works closely with the vocational schools, the dual universities and the Black Forest Campus and has already been triple certified since 2018 as the first company in Baden-Württemberg.