“Thrilling Anniversary Days”

Energy saving was a big theme at ARBURG’s Anniversary Days 2023, the annual global customer meeting in Lossburg, Germany, from 8-11 March, which attracted 5,700 visitors from 53 countries this year. Normally “Technology Days”, the name changed to mark 100 years of the Hehl family company.

Green applications and energy-saving top the bill

A great deal of space was devoted to pioneering green applications as well as to digitalisation and automation. With lots of practical examples on display in the Efficiency arena, ARBURG lived up to its claim of combining sustainability and production efficiency through high-quality technology solutions.

“Action Plan: Energy” shows how to lower energy consumption

ARBURG has responded with its "Action Plan: Energy" exhibit and a report full of tips to save energy and reduce costs in injection moulding production. These include settings to optimise energy requirements through the entire production process, and documenting the metering of consumption accurately, at Basic, Extended and Complete levels, showing customers how to meter their energy in, for example, the start-up and cooling phases and on peripheral equipment.

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Digitalisation and sustainability still important

ARBURG again demonstrated its devotion to sustainability, digitalisation and automation, especially in the Efficiency Arena. Here, nine stations – six on the topic of arburgGREENworld and three on arburgXworld – Arburg and selected partners in the entire value chain demonstrated how digitalisation and innovative solutions enable a sustainable circular economy. A new energy efficient machine was launched to celebrate the company anniversary, a hybrid Allrounder 470 H, featuring flow rate splitting for simultaneous movements of hydraulic secondary axes.
The exhibition area covered the entire company, covered more than 50 exhibits and innovative applications, showcasing sustainable processes and digitalisation to lift productivity.

UK and Ireland customers commented on the scope of the event

Danny MacFarlane, Managing Director, Ellis Patents, said:
“It was excellent. I last visited Technology Days 11-years ago and the Lossburg factory has grown so much, as have the machines and applications. It’s very impressive to see Arburg now. Our technical manager joined me and he was blown away. We are trying to bring more work in-house at Ellis Patents, which is what Arburg has done – more vertical integration.
He added: “We were particularly interested in reprocessed polymers, using more recycled plastic in the product, because our company takes sustainability very seriously. It was good to see Arburg’s control processes – with bigger variation by combining used and virgin polymers, more control is needed.
“At Ellis we have just installed 800 solar panels on the roof of the facility. We are keen to learn about any process we can use to decrease carbon emissions.”

Justin Davies, Managing Director at Tex Plastics, said:
“This was the third time I have been to Technology Days. It’s always very impressive, it sets the standard in the plastics industry for innovation.
Energy management is critical to us at the moment. Arburg has a system that measured the energy consumption per job and per cycle – this was very interesting and we could apply this at Tex Plastics.
“Seeing all the different technologies – updated derivatives if the things that they have been doing well for years – and they are always moving forward with the innovation.”


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