ARBURG(阿博格)亮相 2023 年德國塑膠工業展覽會

2023 年 10 月 17 日至 21 日,德國塑膠工業展覽會 (Fakuma) 在德國腓特烈港舉辦,ARBURG(阿博格)將藉此機會展示自己在塑膠加工領域積極提供終極解决方案的卓越能力。「只有 A 計畫 (There is only a Plan A)」表明了進一步促進塑膠行永續性、數位化和自動化的可行性。ARBURG(阿博格)將在位於 A3 展廳的自家展臺上展出九件展品,並在合作夥伴的各個展臺上展出另外十臺機器——現場還將展示注塑成型和 3D 列印領域各項振奮人心的應用、工藝和潮流趨勢。

「只有 A 計畫 (There is only a Plan A)」

ARBURG(阿博格)透過推出「A 計畫」,將公司為實現永續性、數位化、自動化和節能所採取的各項行動和措施捆綁在一起。與此同時,作為機器製造商,ARBURG(阿博格)還明確表明不存在「B 計畫」。


2023 年春恰逢「Hehl 家族企業成立 100 年」,百年紀念版注塑機 ALLROUNDER 470 H 首次亮相,以 2023 年德國塑膠工業展覽會為開端,520 和 570 這兩個結構尺寸也將陸續上市。驅動配置有舒適版 (Comfort)、卓越版 (Premium) 和終極版 (Ultimate) 三種可選。
展品 ALLROUNDER 520 H 卓越版 (Premium) 使用一個 1+1+1 腔模具按照 1:18 的比例用 ABS 聚合物生產出 ALLROUNDER 機器機座。


在「arburgSOLUTIONworld」中,ARBURG(阿博格)專家們就能源、效率、專業人才緊缺和未來定位等熱門主題給出意見和建議。該展示區域以一個三米高的 LED 柱子屏為核心,著重介紹「Action Plan: Energy」、ALS 和 arburgXworld 等內容。從展覽會設施建設角度來看,這塊 LED 柱子屏具有劃時代意義,同時也彰顯了 ARBURG(阿博格)對這些主題的重視。


在 ARBURG(阿博格)展臺上,ARBURG(阿博格)將會以撬胎棒為例,展示數位化和自動化如何齊頭並進,在高效生產塑膠製品的同時,實現 100% 追溯。
一臺配備安川六軸機械手的電動注塑機 ALLROUNDER 470 E GOLDEN ELECTRIC 展示如何可靠地加工消費後回料 (PCR)。在高端工藝製造流程中,使用來自中國的基於 ABS 聚合物的材料製造海豚玩具。
在生產由 ARBURG(阿博格)設計的工具箱時,各組份使用的是 Recopound® 這種材料——選取自基於 PET 薄膜的工業後回料 (PIR)。一套以液電混合注塑機 ALLROUNDER 920 H 為核心的統包式系統負責生產搶手的贈品。


一臺配備兩個電動注射單元的 ALLROUNDER MORE 1600 展示節能的雙組份注塑—— 用熱塑性塑膠 (PBT) 和液態矽橡膠 (LSR) 生產出容器。一臺全自動包裝專用注塑機 ALLROUNDER 720 A 終極版 (Ultimate) 生產出壁厚僅為 0.37 毫米的圓杯子——這不僅是一種節約能源、資源的應用案例,也是熱成型工藝的替代方案。以帶標記的離心管為例展示一項專門用於醫療技術的 IML 工藝。

各個合作夥伴展臺處的另外十件注塑展品可充分展示出 ARBURG(阿博格)機器技術的廣泛應用範圍


我們會在 A3 展廳的 A3-3101 號展臺與您面對面交談。我們很樂意向您展示我們的亮點,以及就最新的話題進行探討。按一下下方連結,即可免費領取一張日票。

确保获得 Fakuma 日票



ARBURG experts will be providing advice on the meta topics of energy, efficiency, the shortage of skilled workers, and future orientation in its 'arburgSOLUTIONworld'. This new interactive exhibition area built around a three-metre-high LED column will showcase ARBURG's 'Action Plan: Energy', its ALS system, and arburgXworld, among others. The revolutionary LED column is also a structural expression of the importance of these topics for ARBURG.

Digitalisation, automation and sustainability

At the ARBURG stand, ARBURG will be using the application example of a tyre lever to show how digitalisation and automation go hand in hand to produce plastic parts efficiently and with 100 per cent traceability.
A GOLDEN ELECTRIC 470 E ALLROUNDER with a Yaskawa six-axis robot will be demonstrating how post-consumer recyclate (PCR) can be reliably processed. In a technically demanding process, toy dolphins will be made from the PCR on the basis of ABS. Tool cases in the ARBURG design will be produced using components made from Recopound® material, which is obtained from post-industrial recyclate (PIR) on the basis of PET films. The coveted give-away will be produced on a turnkey system based around a hybrid ALLROUNDER 920 H.

Efficient injection moulding processes

Energy-efficient two-component injection moulding will be demonstrated by an ALLROUNDER MORE 1600, equipped with two electric injection units, which will produce a container made of thermoplastic (PBT) and liquid silicone (LSR).
As an energy-efficient, resource-saving application and alternative to thermoforming, an all-electric ALLROUNDER 720 A 'Ultimate' packaging machine will be producing IML round cups with a wall thickness of only 0.37 millimetres.
An IML process designed specifically for medical technology will be presented using labelled centrifuge tubes as an example.

Ten additional injection moulding exhibits on partner stands will demonstrate the wide range of applications for ARBURG machine technology
