MULTILIFT Robot System Course

Target groups Target groups

Set-up personnel, machine operators, production managers, mold manufacturers and mold designers

Dates Dates

05. - 07.03.2024 (Irvine, CA)
08. - 10.04.2024 (Rocky Hill, CT)
22. - 24.04.2024 (Elgin, IL)
03. - 05.06.2024 (Irvine, CA)
23. - 25.09.2024 (Elgin, IL)
30.09. - 02.10.2024 (Rocky Hill, CT)
21. - 23.10.2024 (Irvine, CA in Spanish)
04. - 06.11.2024 (Rocky Hill, CT)
18. - 20.11.2024 (Elgin, IL)
09. - 11.12.2024 (Irvine, CA)

MULTILIFT V - das Robot-System von ARBURG für vertikales Handling

Course content

  • Introduction, operation and programming of the MULTILIFT Robot System
  • Various applications of programming with gripper or vacuum take out sequence
  • Good shot, bad shot, sample shot separation using the MULTILIFT 
  • Use of subroutines
  • Preventative maintenance

To brochure

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