Up to 10% price savings!

Special prices for our new ALLROUNDER 470, 520 and 570 H COMFORT machines - for a limited time only!

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Make the most of the advantages of our new hybrid technology

Shorter dry cycle time

By up to 2 seconds compared to a standard hydraulic machine.

Optimized maintenance

Optimized attachment points for the central lubrication system, pneumatic system, interfaces and oil filter.

Less oil consumption

Uses up to 35 percent less oil compared to hydraulic machines.

Reduced energy requirement

Energy saving of up to 50 percent compared to hydraulic machines.

Less cooling water

The cooling capacity can be reduced by up to 70 percent.

Unique technology

The new hybrid machines are a perfect combination of energy efficiency and productivity.

Energy-efficient and highly productive

The intelligent concept of our new ALLROUNDER H combines advanced servo-electric clamping units with servo-hydraulic injection units. This means that not only is every machine fast and precise, it is also powerful and dynamic. The series is economical to purchase and operate thanks to its performance variants and modularity. Included in our products: Our highly energy-efficient hydraulics. This hybrid technology combination ensures fast mold and simultaneous axis movements at high injection speeds – exactly what you need for your series production! With easy accessibility for maintenance work. So you can quickly get things running smoothly again!

Secure your ALLROUNDER H today
Only a limited number of machines are available at our best price conditions with a discount of up to 10 per cent.

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