Benefits at a glance
100 per cent traceability for process and quality data? No problem for ARBURG turnkey systems, equipped with the ATCM SCADA system.
On demand
Increase added value for your products. Explore new business models – by directly integrating customer requirements into your production sequence, for example!
Turn your components into information carriers. Marked with individual DM codes, for example, they will find their way through your cross-linked process chain on their own.
Many variants and yet plastic parts: is this economically viable in series production? Absolutely! With a flexible turnkey solution, clever mould design and direct process control.

"Smart": arburgXworld
Digitalisation examples

Smart machine
Operators must be able to intuitively set up and easily control production sequences, no matter how complex they are. A "smart" machine is comprehensively cross-linked, monitors its processes, regulates them adaptively and supports you actively in every situation.

Smart production
Direct information exchange allows sequences to be dynamically controlled and optimised – meaning that available resources can be used even more efficiently: for example in order planning, quality assurance, mould management and maintenance.

Smart services
With arburgXworld, we are comprehensively advancing the digitalisation of services and business processes. You gain access to new digital services. And we make your sequences even more efficient in direct, data-secure contact with you.
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