Genuine spare parts

What genuine spare parts from ARBURG mean for you: a high standard of quality, compatible components guaranteed, excellent availability worldwide and easy ordering. We produce key components such as screws ourselves.

Contact spare parts

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Lars Langner

Vice President After Sales Service
Tel. +49 (0) 7446 33-3295

Shop-App: Original-Ersatzteile online bestellen

Order online

Order spare parts online at any time. Via the free "Shop" app on our customer portal. The spare parts catalogue with interactive navigation and 3D previews simplifies your search. With direct access to prices and order history.

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Want to guide your company into digitalisation from a practical perspective? Then you can expect unique digital value-added services with our arburgXworld customer portal.

Our technical data section contains key performance data as well as set-up and mould installation dimensions for all ARBURG products.

Are you looking for an ARBURG contact worldwide? Then simply use our location search. Together with trade partners, we are present in over 100 countries.