Fakuma 2024: ALLROUNDER 570H "Ultimate" 09/17/2024 At Fakuma 2024, ARBURG (Hall A3, Stand 3101) will [...] medical technology in the form of a hybrid ALLROUNDER 570H: 64 syringe plungers with a product design specifically [...] room. A clean room version of a hybrid ALLROUNDER 570H "Ultimate" with a clamping force of 2,000 kN will
På Plast Milano vil vores jubilæums Allrounder 470 H have en særlig konfiguration og vil for første gang [...] transportbåndet vha. MULTILIFT SELECT 8. Allrounder 570 A producerer flip-top-lukning En typisk emballag [...] emballageanvendelse er vist med en elektrisk Allrounder 570 A: en flip-top-lukning, der bruges til flasker i
ALLROUNDER 470 H: Turnkey system produces adapters for medical technology
ALLROUNDER 470 H: Turnkey system produces adapters for medical technology 02/20/2024 As a prime contractor [...] production cell centred around a hybrid ALLROUNDER 470 H at Chinaplas 2024. The exhibit uses a family mould [...] injection unit. They are available in sizes 470, 520 and 570 with clamping forces of 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 kN
200 moulded parts per hour A hybrid ALLROUNDER 520 H will be producing pipettes in a cycle time of around [...] series. A turnkey system based around an ALLROUNDER 570 A will be manufacturing what is known as a crinkle
packaging technology On the stand, an ALLROUNDER 570 E GOLDEN ELECTRIC will be producing PP screw caps [...] ARBURG will also be exhibiting an ALLROUNDER 630 H at Plástico Brasil. The machine produces IML containers
hybridmaskine Efter at jubilæumsmaskinen ALLROUNDER 470 H blev præsenteret i foråret 2023, for at markere "100 [...] familievirksomheden Hehl", vil størrelserne 520 og 570 fra Fakuma 2023 af være tilgængelige. Ydelsesvarianterne [...] tilgængelige. Udstillingsmaskinen, en ALLROUNDER 520 H "Premium", bruger et 1+1+1-værktøj til at producere
ELECTRIC EVO, som fås i størrelserne 370, 470, 520 og 570, til det asiatiske marked. Produktionen af alle [...] fortrolige med fordelene ved den hybride ALLROUNDER 470 H. Produktionscellen producerede to forskellige adaptere